Saturday, June 2, 2012

My new girl crush....

Loretta Lizzio is AMAZING...literally amazing and I have a massive talent crush...

Bang on trend with her amazing graffiti work and tattoo style pen and pencil work I think she is a genius and wish I had 1% of her talent.

She is a photographer, graphic designer, who specializes in print design and typography! Genius I tell you!

Check out some of this Queenslanders work...

Her blog is minimal, sexy, fresh and super inspiring....check it out if you have 5 glorious minutes to spare:


Friday, January 27, 2012

Back in dream land!

I'm back..and boy does it feel good. It maybe a little rainy in Sydney right now, but it still looks as beautiful as ever to me.

I've become a godmother, been to Canberra, Melbourne, Sorento, moved to a new suburb and am hitting the ground running at 100 miles an hour and feel that 2012 is going to be very exciting.

It's still sinking in that I'm back....and its still all a bit dream like...but its a very beautiful dream.