Having recently moved to the other side of the world, I have stumbled across my passion in life again. Art.
Giving up all that I was used to and comfortable within Sydney and becoming a full time student again, I've decided to write a blog to track my artistic development and ideas at this new creative, and hopefully turning point in my career.
2 weeks ago, I decided to give up booze and sugar (yeah yeah boring boring I've heard it all!) and I have been so surprised by the turn around not only in my body but in my mind.
I have decided to embark in this 'detox' to try and find my 'artist style' which all artists are forever in search for!
To be at your creative best, or personal best for that matter, I truly believe its important to rid yourself of all toxins, negative energy and get back to your true self every once in a while!
When was the last time you TRULY interacted with your friends. I don't mean down at the pub, or smashing shots together, but truly engaged? A board game, game of cards, gardened, watched a sunset, listened to a song, laughed until you cried, did a puzzle? So often in London, it seems booze and drugs are often the interactive event between friends and creative energy is somehow lost ...and fades into the background.
I'm no angel..and this detox definitely wont last forever, but with my to do list rapidly decreasing and my artistic juices through the roof...what have I got to lose!! ;0)
I hope you will follow me on my artistic path, perhaps discover some new Artists, realise something about yourself you never knew before, buy one of my pieces (he he) or just enjoy a bit of visual stimulation...
Lots more to add..but for now..
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